Windows 7 DVD Maker "Error Synchronizing Project"
I installed Windows 7 RC 7100 on a new hard disk and did not install any other software.I tried to create a DVD-Video by insertingJPG images, AVI files and some MP3 files as slide background music. I wasnot able to Preview the movie and when I tried to burn it to DVD, it complained "Error Synchronizing Project". I confirmed temp directory exist and tried to deselect all filters / individual filter, still the same. I tried to installDIVX AVI Codec still the same. Then I suspect I have included too many JPG/AVI files. After consolidating some AVI files, it did burn a DVD successfully. Great, however I found the background music for slides were gone. I open the saved project again, "Error Synchronizing Project" popped up again! Any solution?
July 2nd, 2009 1:17pm

I tried the same in Vista, problem still persist. Eventually, I found out the problem was caused by some Chinese characters in MP3 tag, which appeared as garbage. Replacing those tags with English, the program works fine.P.S. I also tried to import the MP3 in Windows Movie Maker 2.1 (XP SP3) and 2.6 (Vista).They complained there was no corresponding codec installed!I hope Microsoft can fix the bug in these programs soon.
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July 4th, 2009 6:25am

Good evening, Were do I find or how do I get to these Chinese characters in MP3 tag so I could replace them? Thank you, Nuyoricangirl70
December 3rd, 2010 4:12am

To prevent the "Error Synchronizing Project" you must convert your audio files from MP3 (or other) to WMA (Windows Media Audio file). You can get a free converter from CNET, and it is really easy to use. The link is Once I converted the audio files to WMA I had no problem and the DVD was created perfectly! You most likely will have to start your project over from scratch, but going forward you won't have any problems.
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April 27th, 2011 9:23pm

To prevent the "Error Synchronizing Project" you must convert your audio files from MP3 (or other) to WMA (Windows Media Audio file). You can get a free converter from CNET, and it is really easy to use. The link is Once I converted the audio files to WMA I had no problem and the DVD was created perfectly! You most likely will have to start your project over from scratch, but going forward you won't have any problems.
April 27th, 2011 9:23pm

I upgraded to Win 7 from Vista due to the DVD software supposedly being upgraded in 7 - if it is so, not by much. Things I've learned over the hours: -Win DVD Maker does not generally like music MP3s - I never saw that in the literature, but trial and error suggest that it should be added to the literature for this software. -The default location for temp and saved DVD files is in your My Videos file. -When you save a DVD compilation, you are really just saving a TEXT FILE that tells the computer what to play next (it is a laundry list, in order, of your file locations in DOS-like language.) It is edit-able! -If you get "locked out" of your DVD file by (among other things) the error that we are discussing here, you can do as I did for a large project that I had 4 hours in and then could not burn - -I opened the *.msdvd file (see location above) and very carefully deleted just the music files from the text file (opened with the software called Notepad in Accessories in the Start Menu). Music files are near toward the end of the file. You could also find a file (among the sea of file locations in an endless string of file locations) that you think might be cluprit and delete it in this way. MAKE AN EXTRA COPY OF YOUR DVD COMPILATION FILE BEFORE YOU TRY THIS EDITING, INCASE YOU ACCIDENTALLY MAKE IT UNOPENABLE. -The trouble is that you can only save it then with a *txt suffix by Notepad - so you save it to the same location as your other video files, and then RENAME the file with the *.MSDVD suffix. Once you do that, the DVD Maker will open the file - and the music will be missing. Use a converter to change your MP3 music to WMA, and re-add the music, and it should work. The software is glitchy and has unstated rules, but will do the job if you don't deviate. -I also recommend that you do NOT move any files location nor move folders around between the time you finish your DVD project and the time you burn - it won't find your files if you do, and you'll get error messages and no burn. -I do not work for MCRSFT (but I recently stayed at a Holiday Inn express...) bad humor, old commercial. I bear no responsibility for your loss if you try this and your computer explodes or other calamities. Just trying to help
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September 29th, 2011 1:01am

OMG! this is most frustrating problem I've dealt with! I keep getting the " error synchronizing project the parameter is incorrect" error message. The problem is I can't view the music to delete the music. It's a problem with the MP3's --- I figured out with I changed the name of the MP3s and then reopened the project it said it couldnt find the MP3's and atleast let me edit the project- beware of how your MP3 titles read- if you get this problem and cant move forward after that first screen- close the program- change the name of the songs you loaded in and then reopen the project---- lame-
February 25th, 2012 12:21am

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